Double Dragon II: The Revenge
- Title Screen (share)
- Onto the Next Area... (share)
- Mission 1 - Into the Turf. (share)
- A Tough Fight (share)
- Level Completed (share)
- Mission 2 - At the Heliport. (share)
- Mission 3 - Battle in the Chopper. (share)
- Mission 4 - Undersea Base. (share)
- Mission 5 - Forest of Death. (share)
- The Steam Tank Rolls In (share)
- Mission 6 - Mansion of Terror. (share)
- Mission 7 - Trap Room (share)
- Mission 8 - The Double Illusion (share)
- Shadow Fight (share)
- Mission 9 - The Final Confrontation (share)
- The Fight Continues (share)
- The Ending (share)
- Staff (share)
- Game Over (share)