Mario Tennis


  1. Opening - Entrance (share)
  2. Opening - Warios Enter the Scene (share)
  3. Opening - Koopa Enters the Scene (share)
  4. Opening - Let's All Play! (share)
  5. Mario Tennis 64 (share)
  6. Menu (share)
  7. Status (share)
  8. Tournament (share)
  9. Entrance ~Vs Theme~ (Tournament) (share)
  10. Tournament Round 1 (share)
  11. Game Point - Break Point (share)
  12. Tournament Round 2 (share)
  13. Game Point - Break Point (share)
  14. Decisive Match (share)
  15. Tie Break (share)
  16. Set Point - Match Point (share)
  17. Tournament Result (share)
  18. Theme of Admission ~ VS (share)
  19. Exhibition (share)
  20. Ring Shot (Singles) (share)
  21. Ring Shot (Doubles) (share)
  22. Pakkun Challenge (share)
  23. Special Game (share)
  24. Ring Tournament (share)
  25. Mario Brothers Court (share)
  26. Mario Brothers Court (alternate 1) (share)
  27. Mario Brothers Court (alternate 2) (share)
  28. Mario & Luigi Court (share)
  29. Mario & Luigi Court (alternate 1) (share)
  30. Mario & Luigi Court (alternate 2) (share)
  31. Koopa Stage (share)
  32. Donkey Kong Court (share)
  33. Wario & Waluigi Court (share)
  34. Baby Mario & Yoshi Court (share)
  35. Invincibility Theme (share)
  36. Ending (share)
  37. Ending Jungle (share)
  38. Trophy Win - Mario (share)
  39. Trophy Win - Luigi (share)
  40. Trophy Win - Wario (share)
  41. Trophy Win - Waluigi (share)
  42. Trophy Win - Peach (share)
  43. Trophy Win - Daisy (share)
  44. Trophy Win - Baby Mario Nina (share)
  45. Trophy Win - Kinopio (share)
  46. Trophy Win - Yoshi (share)
  47. Trophy Win - Catherine (share)
  48. Trophy Win - Koopa (share)
  49. Trophy Win - Donkey Kong (share)
  50. Trophy Win - Heiho (share)
  51. Trophy Win - Patapata (share)
  52. Trophy Win - Teresa (share)
  53. Trophy Win - Donkey Kong Jr (share)
  54. Trophy Win - Singles (share)
  55. Trophy Win - Doubles (share)
  56. Trophy Win - Alex (share)
  57. Trophy Win - Kate (share)
  58. Trophy Win - Harry (share)
  59. Winning Jingle (share)
  60. Losing Jingle (share)
  61. Winning Jingle (share)
  62. Losing Jingle (share)
  63. Losing Jingle (intro only) (share)
  64. Unknown Jingle 1 (share)
  65. Unknown Jingle 2 (share)
  66. Unknown Bonus Track (share)

Composed By


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