Super Mario World


  1. Nintendo Logo (share)
  2. Title (share)
  3. Yoshi's Island (share)
  4. Wandering the Plains (share)
  5. Vanilla Dome (share)
  6. Forest of Illusion (share)
  7. Bowser's Castle Emerges (share)
  8. Valley of Bowser (share)
  9. Star Road (share)
  10. Special World (share)
  11. Super Mario Bros. Remix (share)
  12. Overworld (share)
  13. Overworld (Yoshi) (share)
  14. Athletic (share)
  15. Athletic (Yoshi) (share)
  16. Underground (share)
  17. Underground (Yoshi) (share)
  18. Swimming (share)
  19. Swimming (Yoshi) (share)
  20. Haunted House (share)
  21. Fortress (share)
  22. P-Switch (share)
  23. P-Switch (Cave) (share)
  24. Invincible (share)
  25. Invincible (Cave) (share)
  26. Bonus Game (share)
  27. Bonus Game Clear (share)
  28. Boss Battle (share)
  29. Egg is Rescued (share)
  30. World Clear (share)
  31. Course Clear (share)
  32. Fade Out! (share)
  33. Secret Exit! (share)
  34. Fortress Clear (share)
  35. Player Down (share)
  36. Game Over (share)
  37. Bowser's Last Attack (share)
  38. The Evil King Bowser (share)
  39. The Evil King Bowser (Intro) (share)
  40. Bowser Zoom (share)
  41. Bowser Zoom Out (share)
  42. Peach's Item (share)
  43. Bowser Defeated (share)
  44. Princess Peach is Rescued (share)
  45. Staff Roll (share)
  46. The Yoshis are Home (share)
  47. Cast List (share)
  48. Cast List (Looped) (share)
  49. Yoshi (share)

Composed By

Koji Kondo

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